
Recidivism refers to a person’s relapse into criminal behavior after their release from prison. A 2019 U.S. Sentencing Commission report on recidivism among federal prisoners showed that nearly 64% of prisoners who had been convicted of violent offenses were arrested within eight years compared with about 40% of those convicted of nonviolent offenses. Our prison population is aging due to an increase in admissions of older people and longer sentences. Although research shows recidivism substantially declines with age, released prisoners face many difficulties in avoiding reincarceration. Advocates claim inmates, subjected to coercive and violent prison environments, often emerge with psychological problems. Once released, it is difficult for them to get jobs and find housing - putting them back in an environment where there’s a lot of temptations without much support. They say most correctional facilities are not equipped with the types of psychological or substance abuse treatment programs many inmates need to avoid recidivism.

Pending Legislation: H.R.981 - One Stop Shop Community Reentry Program Act of 2023
Sponsor: Rep. Sydney Kamlager-Dove (CA)
Status: House Judiciary Committee
Chair: Rep. Jim Jordan (OH)

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