Democracy Rules allows qualified applicants to declare themselves a candidate for an affiliate administrative position. Applications will be accepted until a predetermined number of applicants have registered, after which follows a 10-day period for these candidates to review each other's resumés. At the end of this period, DR hosts the Primary Election in which candidates may vote for any applicant other than themselves. The Primary Election will qualify the top half of the candidate field for the Affiliate Election which is conducted 10 days after the Primary vote. Only the remaining candidates are allowed to vote in the Affiliate Election and again, they may not vote for themselves. Candidates have 7 days in which to cast their vote in either election. The most popular non-elected candidates will serve as alternates and will receive priority consideration for future hiring by that organization.

With the exception of those in the United States , population estimates for metropolitan affiliates include core cities only. Depending upon where boundaries are drawn, the number of inhabitants served by these affiliates may be several times the population of the city itself.

Select a Democracy Rules national or metropolitan affiliate to declare yourself a candidate for an administrative position. Once an affiliate has been licensed, these links will connect to its website.

Accepting Applications = Elections Pending = Positions Filled =
National Affiliates Agglomerate Affiliates Population  
Albania Albania 3,000,000
Andorra Andorra 85,000
Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda 85,000
Argentina Argentina 42,000,000
Buenos Aires 14,000,000
Córdoba 1,600,000
Rosario 1,300,000
Armenia Armenia 3,000,000
Yerevan 1,100,000
Australia Australia 21,000,000
Adelaide 1,200,000
Brisbane 2,000,000
Melbourne 4,000,000
Perth 1,700,000
Sydney 5,000,000
Austria Austria 8,200,000
Vienna 1,700,000
Bahamas Bahamas 320,000
Bangladesh Bangladesh 162,000,000
Chittagong 5,000,000
Dhaka 14,500,000
Khulna 1,700,000
Barbados Barbados 285,000
Belgium Belgium 10,500,000
Antwerp 1,000,000
Brussels 1,900,000
Belize Belize 327,000
Benin Benin 10,000,000
Bhutan Bhutan 72,000
Bolivia Bolivia 10,000,000
La Paz 1,700,000
Santa Cruz 1,600,000
Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina 4,600,000
Botswana Botswana 2,100,000
Brazil Brazil 206,000,000
Belem 2,100,000
Belo Horizonte 5,800,000
Brasília 2,500,000
Campinas 1,000,000
Curitiba 1,800,000
Fortaleza 3,600,000
Goiania 1,300,000
Manaus 1,800,000
Natal 1,000,000
Porto Alegre 4,000,000
Recife 1,500,000
Rio de Janeiro 12,000,000
Salvador 2,600,000
Santos 1,500,000
Sao Paulo 20,000,000
Victoria 1,600,000
Bulgaria Bulgaria 7,100,000
Sofia 1,200,000
Burkina Faso Burkina Faso 17,200,000
Ouagadougou 1,800,000
Burundi Burundi 10,600,000
Canada Canada 34,300,000
Calgary 1,200,000
Edmonton 1,100,000
Montreal 3,800,000
Ottawa 1,000,000
Toronto 5,400,000
Vancouver 2,200,000
Cape Verde Cape Verde 500,000
Central African Republic Central African Republic 4,500,000
Chile Chile 17,000,000
Santiago 5,900,000
Colombia Colombia 45,300,000
Barranquilla 1,800,000
Bogota 8,300,000
Bucaramanga 1,000,000
Cali 2,400,000
Medellin 3,500,000
Comoros Comoros 750,000
Costa Rica Costa Rica 4,600,000
San José 1,400,000
Côte d’Ivoire Côte d’Ivoire 22,000,000
Abidjan 4,000,000
Croatia Croatia 4,500,000
Cyprus Cyprus 1,100,000
Czech Republic Czech Republic 10,200,000
Prague 1,300,000
Denmark Denmark 5,600,000
Copenhagen 1,200,000
Djibouti Djibouti 500,000
Dominica Dominica 73,000
Dominican Republic Dominican Republic 10,000,000
Santo Domingo 2,100,000
East Timor East Timor 1,200,000
Ecuador Ecuador 15,300,000
Guayaquil 2,600,000
Quito 1,800,000
Egypt Egypt 84,000,000
Alexandria 4,400,000
Cairo 4,400,000
Shubra el Khema 1,000,000
El Salvador El Salvador 6,000,000
San Salvador 1,800,000
Estonia Estonia 1,300,000
Fiji Fiji 900,000
Finland Finland 5,300,000
Helsinki 1,100,000
France France 66,000,000
Lille 1,400,000
Lyon 1,500,000
Marseille 1,500,000
Paris 10,400,000
Georgia Georgia 4,600,000
Tbilisi 1,100,000
Germany Germany 81,300,000
Berlin 3,500,000
Cologne 1,000,000
Dusseldorf 1,000,000
Essen 1,000,000
Frankfurt 1,000,000
Hamburg 1,800,000
Hannover 1,000,000
Koln 1,000,000
Mannheim 1,000,000
Munich 1,400,000
Nuremberg 1,000,000
Stuttgart 2,750,000
Ghana Ghana 25,300,000
Accra 2,300,000
Kumasi 1,800,000
Greece Greece 10,800,000
Athens 3,200,000
Grenada Grenada 110,000
Guatemala Guatemala 14,400,000
Guatemala City 1,100,000
Guinea Guinea 11,200,000
Conakry 1,600,000
Guyana Guyana 742,000
Haiti Haiti 10,000,000
Port-au-Prince 2,100,000
Honduras Honduras 8,300,000
Tegucigalpa 1,000,000
Hungary Hungary 10,000,000
Budapest 1,700,000
Iceland Iceland 313,000
India India 1,200,000,000
Agra 1,300,000
Ahmadabad 3,500,000
Allahabad 1,200,000
Amritsar 1,000,000
Asansol 1,000,000
Bangalore 4,300,000
Baroda 1,300,000
Bhopal 1,400,000
Calcutta 15,100,000
Chennai (Madras) 4,400,000
Coimbatore 1,000,000
Delhi 22,000,000
Dhanbad 1,100,000
Faridabad 1,600,000
Hyderabad 3,600,000
Indore 1,500,000
Jabalpur 1,000,000
Jaipur 2,300,000
Jamshedpur 1,150,000
Kanpur 2,600,000
Kozhikode (Calicut) 1,000,000
Lucknow 2,200,000
Ludhiana 1,500,000
Madurai 1,000,000
Meerut 1,200,000
Mumbai 13,000,000
Nagpur 2,100,000
Nashik 1,100,000
Patna 1,900,000
Pune 2,600,000
Rajkot 1,000,000
Surat 2,500,000
Trivandrum 1,000,000
Varanasi 1,100,000
Vijayawada 1,000,000
Visakhpatnam 1,700,000
Indonesia Indonesia 249,000,000
Bandar Lampung 1,000,000
Bandung 2,400,000
Jakarta 9,100,000
Makassar 1,300,000
Medan 2,200,000
Palembang 1,500,000
Semarang 1,300,000
Surabaya 2,500,000
Ireland Ireland 4,700,000
Dublin 1,100,000
Israel Israel 7,600,000
Tel Aviv-Yafo 3,200,000
Italy Italy 61,000,000
Milan 3,000,000
Naples 2,300,000
Rome 3,400,000
Turin 1,700,000
Jamaica Jamaica 2,900,000
Japan Japan 127,000,000
Fukuoka-Kitakyushu 2,800,000
Hiroshima 1,200,000
Kitakyushu 1,500,000
Nagoya 2,300,000
Okayama 1,000,000
Osaka-Kobe 11,300,000
Sapporo 2,700,000
Sendai 1,000,000
Tokyo 36,500,000
Kenya Kenya 43,000,000
Mombasa 1,000,000
Nairobi 3,400,000
Kiribati Kiribati 102,000
Kosovo Kosovo 1,800,000
Kuwait Kuwait 2,600,000
Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan 5,500,000
Latvia Latvia 2,200,000
Lebanon Lebanon 4,100,000
Beirut 1,900,000
Lesotho Lesotho 1,900,000
Liberia Liberia 4,000,000
Monrovia 1,000,000
Libya Libya 6,000,000
Tripoli 1,100,000
Liechtenstein Liechtenstein 37,000
Lithuania Lithuania 3,500,000
Luxembourg Luxembourg 515,000
Macedonia Macedonia 2,100,000
Madagascar Madagascar 22,600,000
Antananarivo 1,800,000
Malawi Malawi 16,800,000
Lilongwe 1,000,000
Malaysia Malaysia 29,600,000
Johor Bharu 1,000,000
Kelang 1,100,000
Kuala Lumpur 1,500,000
Maldives Maldives 400,000
Malta Malta 411,000
Marshall Islands Marshall Islands 66,000
Mauritius Mauritius 1,300,000
Mexico Mexico 114,000,000
Guadalajara 1,700,000
Mexico City 9,000,000
Monterrey 1,100,000
Puebla 1,300,000
Tijuana 1,300,000
Micronesia Micronesia 103,000,000
Moldova Moldova 3,600,000
Monaco Monaco 30,000
Mongolia Mongolia 3,200,000
Ulaan Baatar 1,000,000
Montenegro Montenegro 657,000
Morocco Morocco 31,600,000
Casablanca 3,400,000
Fez 1,000,000
Rabat 1,600,000
Mozambique Mozambique 23,500,000
Maputo 1,600,000
Namibia Namibia 2,200,000
Nauru Nauru 9,400
Nepal Nepal 29,000,000
Kathmandu 1,200,000
Netherlands Netherlands 17,000,000
Amsterdam 1,000,000
Rotterdam 1,200,000
New Zealand New Zealand 4,200,000
Auckland 1,200,000
Nicaragua Nicaragua 6,000,000
Managua 1,100,000
Niger Niger 16,000,000
Nigeria Nigeria 152,000,000
Benin City 1,000,000
Ibadan 3,100,000
Kaduna 1,500,000
Kano 3,300,000
Lagos 5,700,000
Norway Norway 5,000,000
Pakistan Pakistan 193,000,000
Faisalabad 2,900,000
Islamabad 1,000,000
Karachi 13,100,000
Lahore 7,100,000
Rawalpindi 2,000,000
Palau Palau 21,000
Panama Panama 3,500,000
Panama City 1,000,000
Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea 6,300,000
Paraguay Paraguay 6,500,000
Asunción 1,000,000
Peru Peru 29,500,000
Arequipa 1,000,000
Lima 9,000,000
Philippines Philippines 104,000,000
Caloocan 1,500,000
Cebu 4,000,000
Davao 1,500,000
Katowice 1,000,000
Manila 1,700,000
Quezon 2,800,000
Poland Poland 38,500,000
Lódz 1,000,000
Warsaw 1,700,000
Portugal Portugal 11,000,000
Lisbon 2,800,000
Porto 1,000,000
Romania Romania 22,000,000
Bucharest 2,000,000
Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Kitts and Nevis 51,000
Saint Lucia Saint Lucia 162,000
Saint Vincent and Grenadines Saint Vincent and Grenadines 104,000
Samoa Samoa 194,000
San Marino San Marino 32,000
Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tome and Principe 183,000
Senegal Senegal 13,000,000
Dakar 2,500,000
Serbia Serbia 7,300,000
Belgrade 1,100,000
Seychelles Seychelles 90,000
Sierra Leone Sierra Leone 5,500,000
Freetown 1,200,000
Singapore Singapore 5,400,000
Slovakia Slovakia 5,500,000
Slovenia Slovenia 2,000,000
Solomon Islands Solomon Islands 600,000
South Africa South Africa 49,000,000
Cape Town 3,900,000
Durban 3,500,000
Johannesburg 1,000,000
Port Elizabeth 1,300,000
Pretoria 1,300,000
Soweto 1,000,000
Vereeniging 1,300,000
South Korea South Korea 49,000,000
Gwangju 1,500,000
Inchon 2,600,000
Pusan 3,500,000
Seoul 10,000,000
Taegu 2,500,000
Taejon 1,500,000
Ulsan 1,000,000
Spain Spain 47,000,000
Barcelona 1,600,000
Bilbao 1,000,000
Madrid 6,500,000
Sevilla 1,000,000
València 1,100,000
Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 21,500,000
Colombo 5,600,000
Suriname Suriname 560,000
Sweden Sweden 9,100,000
Stockholm 1,400,000
Switzerland Switzerland 8,000,000
Zurich 1,800,000
Taiwan Taiwan 23,300,000
Kaohsiung 2,800,000
Taichung 2,700,000
Tainan 1,900,000
Taipei 2,600,000
Tanzania Tanzania 47,000,000
Dar es Salaam 2,700,000
Thailand Thailand 67,000,000
Bangkok 8,300,000
Togo Togo 7,000,000
Lomé 1,000,000
Tonga Tonga 106,000
Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago 1,200,000
Tunisia Tunisia 10,700,000
Tunis 1,000,000
Turkey Turkey 80,000,000
Adana 1,600,000
Ankara 4,300,000
Bursa 1,700,000
Istanbul 13,000,000
Izmir 2,800,000
Tuvalu Tuvalu 10,600
Uganda Uganda 33,700,000
Kampala 1,700,000
Ukraine Ukraine 45,000,000
Dnipropetrovsk 1,000,000
Donetsk 1,000,000
Kharkiv 1,400,000
Kiev 2,800,000
Odesa 1,000,000
United Kingdom United Kingdom 64,000,000
Birmingham 1,000,000
Glasgow 1,200,000
Leeds 1,000,000
Liverpool 1,000,000
London 8,300,000
Manchester 1,000,000
Newcastle 1,000,000
Sheffield 1,000,000
United States of America United States of America 314,000,000
Alabama 4,820,000
Alaska 750,000
Arizona 6,555,000
Arkansas 2,950,000
California 38,000,000
Colorado 5,200,000
Connecticut 3,600,000
Delaware 920,000
District of Columbia 625,000
Florida 19,320,000
Georgia 9,920,000
Hawaii 1,400,000
Idaho 1,600,000
Illinois 12,900,000
Indiana 6,540,000
Iowa 3,100,000
Kansas 2,900,000
Kentucky 4,400,000
Louisiana 4,600,000
Maine 1,330,000
Maryland 5,900,000
Massachusetts 6,650,000
Michigan 9,900,000
Minnesota 5,400,000
Mississippi 3,000,000
Missouri 6,000,000
Montana 1,000,000
Nebraska 1,900,000
Nevada 2,800,000
New Hampshire 1,320,000
New Jersey 8,900,000
New Mexico 2,100,000
New York 19,600,000
North Carolina 9,800,000
North Dakota 700,000
Ohio 11,550,000
Oklahoma 3,800,000
Oregon 3,900,000
Pennsylvania 12,800,000
Rhode Island 1,050,000
South Carolina 4,700,000
South Dakota 840,000
Tennessee 6,500,000
Texas 26,100,000
Utah 2,900,000
Vermont 630,000
Virginia 8,200,000
Washington 6,900,000
West Virginia 1,900,000
Wisconsin 5,750,000
Wyoming 580,000
Uruguay Uruguay 3,300,000
Montevideo 1,300,000
Vanuatu Vanuatu 256,000
Venezuela Venezuela 28,000,000
Barquisimeto 2,000,000
Caracas 6,000,000
Maracaibo 1,500,000
Maracay 1,000,000
Valencia 2,200,000
Zambia Zambia 13,800,000
Lusaka 1,700,000