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Industrial greenhouse gas emissions account for 22% of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, making it the third largest contributor of such emissions. Carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide result from the burning of coal in factories and our 241 power plants. In 2019, about 4,118 billion kilowatthours of electricity were generated at utility-scale power plants in the U.S. Coal is the most emissions-intensive fossil fuel. About 63% of this electricity generation was from fossil fuels including coal, natural gas, petroleum and other gases. About 20% was from nuclear energy and about 18% was from renewable energy sources. Advocates say some power plants have deployed carbon capture technology such as scrubbers to remove harmful particulates and gases from smokestacks. Many other plants have switched to cleaner-burning natural gas. However, coal used to manufacture steel and cement is still a major source of emissions, accounting for more than 20% of all the world’s coal usage. In 2018, these two industries, along with our chemical industry, were the largest contributor to the growth in U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. In a recent executive order aimed at combating climate change, President Biden has required power plants to achieve carbon-free electricity generation by 2035. Proposed Legislation: H.R.3978 - Clean Industrial Technology Act of 2019 Prospective Sponsor: Rep. Sean Casten (IL)
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