These are the original issues in this subcategory

A firearm magazine is an ammunition storage and feeding device within or attached to a repeating firearm. The term “high capacity” magazine is often used to describe magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds, including box, drum, rotary and horizontal magazines. Many gun safety advocates claim there is no legitimate reason for these devices since they are rarely needed for hunting or target shooting. They wish to prohibit these magazines which are often used by mass-shooters. They claim the number of bullets these killers can fire before needing to reload can determine the degree of carnage that results from an assault. Opponents are not sure reducing the size of magazines would reduce causalities. They claim several mass-shooters have not used high-capacity magazines, they just brought more guns and loaded magazines along with them. They also say that aside from mass shootings, most homicides are committed using far fewer than 10 rounds. For this reason, they claim a high-capacity magazine ban would not have a measurable effect on our murder rate.
Proposed Legislation: Reintroduction of S.298 - Keep Americans Safe Act (118th Congress 2023-2024)
Prospective Sponsor: Sen. Tim Kaine (VA)
Proposed Legislation: Reintroduction of S.298 - Keep Americans Safe Act (118th Congress 2023-2024)
Prospective Sponsor: Sen. Tim Kaine (VA)
- I oppose reforming current large capacity magazine policy and wish to donate resources to the campaign committee of Leader John Thune (SD).
- I support establishing a new criminal offense for the import, sale, manufacture, transfer, or possession of a large capacity ammunition feeding device (LCAFD) except for certain law enforcement efforts, securing nuclear material and possession by a retired law enforcement officer. And requiring newly manufactured LCAFDs to display a serial number and date of manufacture, and compensating individuals who surrender an LCAFD under a buy-back program, and wish to donate resources to the campaign committee of Sen. Tim Kaine (VA) and/or to an advocate group currently working with this issue.
- I support establishing a new criminal offense for the import, sale, manufacture, transfer, or possession of a large capacity ammunition feeding device (LCAFD) except for certain law enforcement efforts, securing nuclear material and possession by a retired law enforcement officer. And requiring newly manufactured LCAFDs to display a serial number and date of manufacture, and compensating individuals who surrender an LCAFD under a buy-back program, and wish to donate resources to the campaign committee of Sen. Tim Kaine (VA) and/or to an advocate group currently working with this issue.
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Pledge Period - Opening Date
February 3, 2025
Pledge Period - Closing Date
February 9, 2025
Trustee Election - Begins
February 10, 2025