Democracy Rules Virtual Internship Program

Due to its ubiquity and ease-of-use, technology has opened greater opportunities for virtual internships. As evident by the growing in popularity among employers and students. DR also recognizes the need for virtual internships due to current health concerns.
Advantages of a virtual internship:
No need to relocate
Flexible hours
Casual dress except for formal presentations
Those who are more introverted may gain a greater sense of empowerment through online work
For out of town interns, lack of in person supervision
Difficult if you are not self-starter and need a lot of interaction and instruction
Most likely interns will use their own computer.
Democracy Rules was created to counteract the loss of citizen representation by elected leaders who seem more intent on accommodating special interest groups. Many critical issues now go totally unaddressed even though a vast majority of Americans wish to see them resolved. Democracy Rules proposes to remedy this situation by combining our Founding Father's basic democratic principles with the effectiveness demonstrated by today's lobbying industry. Democracy Rules was designed to be a democratically-run citizen’s lobbying organization. Our goals are to outspend special interest groups, fund our legislator's reelection campaigns, and restore the relationship between representatives and their constituents.
Democracy Rules offers an experience that meets the criteria of a legitimate internship as outlined by the National Association of Colleges and Employers.
• The Democracy Rules experience offers a unique learning and leadership experience that provides for applying the knowledge gained in the classroom. Interns will conduct research on our nation’s most important issues and personally negotiate DR’s actions with legislators and advocate groups.
• The skills and knowledge learned in a Democracy Rules internship will be transferable to other and future employment settings.
• The experience offered by Democracy Rules has a defined beginning and end, and a job description with desired qualifications in investigating research and outreach.
• Experienced professionals with background in the fields of Political Science, business, social organization and clinical psychology; and volunteers with ample life and professional experience.
• Democracy Rules offers routine feedback by experienced supervisors.
• There are resources provided by Democracy Rules that support the Intern’s learning objectives/goals.
Hosting regularly-scheduled virtual meetings, Democracy Rules online advisors provide interns with regular supervision, mentoring and personalized feedback - as well as an email report for the intern and the academic advisor containing information such as challenges encountered, progress toward learning objectives, and answers to questions which may arise. Democracy Rules will also provide an online project management or document sharing tool - including direct access to reports submitted by our interns, allowing supervisors to monitor their intern's work whenever desired.
As the primary contact with legislators and advocate groups, interns will be an integral part of Democracy Rules’ regular operations. Their recommendations, resulting from these contacts, will be seriously considered by administrators. Democracy Rules welcomes a site visit from any college representative.
Democracy Rules is a non-partisan, non-profit 501-c4 organization started by Ray Cashman, a California small-businessman.
Employer Identification Number: 68-0486197
Federal Election Committee Certification ID Number: C00395053
3014 Eighteenth Street
San Francisco, Ca 94110
(415) 431-4986
Email Addresses:
• Students majoring in any subject are eligible to apply
• Legal employment authorization
• Volunteer social advocacy, public, community service experience highly desirable
• Excellent oral and written skills
• Never been disciplined under the CA Code of Regulations, Title 5, Article 2, Sec. 41301
• Update DR’s issues and the legislation associated with them
• Consult with legislators and negotiate with advocate groups
• Submit brief reports of updates and contacts
• Assist in social media campaigns to promote Democracy Rules
• Participate in one DR meeting per month
• Document internship experience