
Police misconduct

Many believe any discussion of police misconduct must first begin with acknowledging the degree of difficulty of this profession, and the exemplary nature and heroic sacrifices demonstrated by the vast majority of our nation’s one million peace officers. That said, at least 10,000 civil rights complaints are filed for police misconduct each year, yet the total prevalence of this crime remains uncertain. Complaints of police brutality and abuse often arise from traffic stops and street encounters. Critics claim people of color experience the abuse of police power much more often than their peers. One survey found that one in four young African American men report to be mistreated by police in any given month. From Rodney King’s beating to Eric Garner’s chokehold to the tragic spectacle of George Floyd’s death – and many in between – it never seems to end. The unnecessary death of so many African-Americans by our police is not perpetrated against any other race. Usually there’s no accountability of, nor any repercussions to, the offending officer – who, if fired, merely resumes work at another department in a different city.

Advocates say a few bad cops make the lives of all police officers much more difficult and dangerous. They say if bad cops are punished for crimes committed, these unconscionable killings would stop. Advocates say the reason police go unpunished is due to a concept called “qualified immunity.” Qualified immunity is a judicially-created policy that protects government employees from being held personally liable for violating the constitutional rights of others. Many say this legal loophole has got to go.

Proposed Legislation: Reintroduction of H.R.1280 - George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2021
Prospective Sponsor: Rep. Nancy Pelosi (CA)

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