
Great apes

Apes are the closest relatives to humans in the animal world, sharing more than 96% of their DNA with us. The great apes, including gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos and orangutans are now in danger of extinction. Poachers shoot them, smugglers sell their babies as exotic pets, illegal loggers destroy the rain forests where they live, and civil wars drive them from their habitat. All of the world’s ape species are at risk of extinction. Along with elephants, apes are regarded as the “gardeners of the forests” by spreading seeds and pruning branches. Today, there are believed to be about 400,000 great apes in Africa and Asia, compared to millions in the 19th century. These species will become extinct within the next 15-20 years if action is not taken to halt their decline. Advocates say ape habitat must be protected, law enforcement must be given more resources to prevent smuggling, and countries inhabited by apes should be encouraged to regard them as an asset, making them the center of their tourism industries.

Our Fish and Wildlife Service manage the Multinational Species Conservation Fund which funds conservation efforts for elephants, rhinoceros, tigers, marine turtles and Great Apes. The Semipostal Stamp Act of 2009 enabled the general public to contribute to these efforts by purchasing wildlife postage stamps.

Pending Legislation: Reintroduction of H.R.6023 - Multinational Species Conservation Funds Semipostal Stamp Reauthorization Act of 2021
Prospective Sponsor: Rep. Jim Costa (CA)

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February 10, 2025
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February 16, 2025