
Workers with disabilities

Our Social Security Administration considers people to be disabled if medical conditions prevent them from doing their regular jobs and if they are unable to adapt to a new occupation. Nearly 10 million American workers are currently receiving federal disability benefits, many of them temporarily. Permanently disabled workers will receive modest support for the rest of their lives. Many American workers with disabilities are also employed. However, the Fair labor Standards Act of 1938 legally allows workers that are disabled to be paid wages that are less than minimum wage.

Workers with various sensory, physical, cognitive or developmental disabilities often work in segregated workplaces called “sheltered workshops.” The federal government purchases some of products made in these workshops to help provide employment to these Americans. There are at least 420,000 American workers with disabilities who are now paid less than minimum wage. Advocates claim this allows some employers to exploit these workers. They say those with disabilities, given proper training and support, have the ability and right to work in most jobs earning the same wages as their peers.

Proposed Legislation: Reintroduction of H.R.1263 - Transformation to Competitive Integrated Employment Act (118th Congress 2023-2024)
Prospective Sponsor: Rep. Bobby Scott (VA)

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Poll Opening Date
March 10, 2025
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March 16, 2025