

The path to rehabilitating an injury or a disability is most often a long and arduous one that involves many factors beyond the person or the injury itself. Some of these factors include the state of rehabilitation research, the availability of knowledgeable therapists, the quality of rehab facilities and the support of society. The National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research conducts research related to the rehabilitation of Americans with disabilities. Its mission is to improve the lives of people with disabilities from birth through adulthood and to advocate for opportunities and accommodations for these Americans. The 1973 Rehabilitation Act authorizes programs for vocational rehabilitation, supported employment, independent living, client assistance and a variety of training and grant programs administered by the Rehabilitation Services Administration. The Act also requires federal agencies to provide equal and meaningful access to programs and services to Americans with disabilities.

Proposed Legislation: Reintroduction of S.3403 - Medicare Patient Empowerment Act of 2023
Prospective Sponsor: Sen. Rand Paul (KY)

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Poll Opening Date
March 10, 2025
Poll Closing Date
March 16, 2025